LASIK Eye Surgery Cost in India

India has emerged as a hub for medical destinations, offering world-class healthcare facilities at a fraction of the cost compared to Western countries. Regarding LASIK eye surgery, India holds a track record of success, attracting patients from across the globe seeking affordable yet high-quality treatment.

 What is LASIK Eye Surgery? 

LASIK (Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis) eye surgery is a popular procedure aimed at correcting vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. It involves reshaping the cornea using a laser to improve the way light rays are focused onto the retina.

Why is it done?

LASIK surgery is done to reduce or eliminate the dependency on corrective eyewear like glasses or contact lenses. It offers the convenience of clear vision without the hassle of dealing with lenses or frames.

 Preparation for LASIK Surgery 

Before undergoing LASIK surgery, patients need to undergo a thorough eye examination to determine their eligibility for the procedure. This evaluation assesses factors such as corneal thickness, refractive errors, and overall eye health. Patients are typically advised to refrain from wearing contact lenses for a certain period before the surgery.

 Procedures Involved 

A microkeratome or femtosecond laser is used by the physician to make a tiny opening in the cornea during LASIK surgery. This flap is then folded back, and an excimer laser is used to reshape the underlying corneal tissue. The flap is repositioned, and the surgery is complete. The entire procedure is usually quick and virtually painless.

 What to Expect? 

Before the surgery, patients can expect detailed discussions with their ophthalmologist regarding the procedure, its risks, benefits, and expected outcomes.

During the surgery, patients may experience mild pressure or discomfort but should not feel any pain.

After the surgery, patients may experience temporary blurriness or discomfort, but vision typically improves within a few days.


  • Improved Vision: The primary goal of LASIK surgery is to correct refractive errors such as nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism. Most patients experience a dramatic improvement in their vision immediately after the procedure.
  • Reduced Dependence on Glasses or Contact Lenses: Many patients find that they no longer need to rely on glasses or contact lenses for clear vision after LASIK surgery. This newfound freedom from corrective eyewear is one of the main reasons why people opt for LASIK.
  • Quick Recovery: LASIK surgery is minimally invasive and typically requires minimal downtime. Most patients can resume normal activities within a day or two after the procedure, although strenuous activities may be limited for a few weeks to allow for proper healing.
  • Stable Vision: While some patients may experience fluctuations in their vision during the initial healing period, the vast majority achieve stable vision within a few weeks to months after LASIK surgery. However, it's essential to attend follow-up appointments with the ophthalmologist to monitor progress and address any concerns.
  • Potential Side Effects: While LASIK surgery is considered safe and effective, some patients may experience temporary side effects such as dry eyes, glare, halos, or double vision. These symptoms usually resolve on their own or with the help of medications or additional treatments prescribed by the surgeon.
  • Long-Term Results: LASIK surgery typically provides long-lasting results, with many patients enjoying clear vision for years or even decades after the procedure. However, it's important to note that vision changes can occur over time due to factors such as aging or the development of other eye conditions.
  • Enhancement Procedures: In some cases, patients may require enhancement procedures or touch-up surgeries to fine-tune the results of LASIK surgery. These procedures are usually performed several months after the initial surgery to address any residual refractive errors or changes in vision.

 Different Types of Treatment 

Advanced variations such as Wavefront-guided LASIK and Bladeless LASIK are also available from traditional LASIK surgery. These techniques offer enhanced precision and customization, leading to better visual outcomes for patients with complex refractive errors.

 Best Hospitals in India for LASIK Surgery 

 Best Doctors for LASIK Surgery 

  • Dr. Dharitri Samantaray
  • Dr. Anitha Sethi
  • Dr. Deependra V Singh
  • Dr. Pratik Ranjan Sen
  • Dr. Sunaina Arora
  • Dr. Rajesh Khanna
  • Dr. Cyrus Shroff
  • Dr. Mahipal Sachdev

 Top Nations in LASIK Surgery 

While India has gained recognition for its prowess in LASIK surgery, other countries such as the United States, Germany, South Korea and Singapore also excel in this field. However, the significantly lower cost of treatment in India often makes it a preferred destination for medical tourists seeking affordable eye care.

 Cost Comparison 

New Delhi                               – USD 450

Mumbai                                  – USD 470

Bangalore                               – USD 450

Hyderabad                              – USD 385

Kerala                                     – USD 480


Turkey                                    – USD 800

Thailand                                 – USD 2000

Germany                                 – USD 800



1. Is LASIK surgery painful?

   LASIK surgery is not painful as numbing eye drops are used to ensure comfort during the procedure.

2. How long does LASIK surgery take?

   The actual laser treatment typically lasts for less than a minute per eye, with the entire procedure taking around 15 minutes.

3. Is LASIK surgery permanent?

   While LASIK surgery provides long-term vision correction, it does not guarantee permanent results. Some patients may experience regression or require enhancement procedures later in life.

4. What are the potential risks of LASIK surgery?

   Risks associated with LASIK surgery include dry eyes, glare, halos, and overcorrection or undercorrection of vision.

5. Who is not eligible for LASIK surgery?

   Patients with unstable vision, dry eyes, certain eye diseases, or inadequate corneal thickness may not be suitable candidates for LASIK surgery.

6. Can both eyes be done simultaneously?

   Yes, LASIK surgery is typically performed on both eyes during the same session for convenience and symmetry.

7. How soon can I resume normal activities after LASIK surgery?

   Most patients can resume normal activities within a day or two after LASIK surgery, although strenuous activities should be avoided for a few weeks.

8. Will I still need glasses or contact lenses after LASIK surgery?

   While LASIK surgery significantly reduces dependence on corrective eyewear, some patients may still require glasses for certain tasks like reading or driving at night.

9. Is LASIK surgery covered by insurance?

   If LASIK surgery is determined to be medically essential, insurance may in some situations cover the procedure. However, most insurance plans do not cover LASIK for purely cosmetic reasons.

10. How do I choose the right surgeon for LASIK surgery?

    It's essential to research the credentials, experience, and track record of potential surgeons. Consulting with multiple ophthalmologists and reading patient reviews can help in making an informed decision.

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