Dr. Shafeeq Mattummal
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Cardiologist, Senior Consultant & Head | Calicut | IndiaDM, MD, MBBS | 19 Years of Experiences
Aster MIMS, Calicut
- Dr Shafeeq Mattummal serves as Chief Cardiologist and Senior Consultant in Interventional Cardiology in Aster MIMS. He got trained from University of Bern, Switzerland in Structural Interventions in 2010. His area of interest is Complex Coronary Angioplasty, Structural, Adult congenital and Valvular Interventions includingTranscatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI).
- Dr Shafeeq Mattummal finished MBBS from Calicut Medical College in1997. He completed MD (Internal Medicine) from Grant Medical College &JJ Hospitals in Mumbai in 2002. Later he Finished DM (Cardiology) from the prestigious King Edward VII Memorial (KEM) Hospital & Seth GS Medical College, Mumbai in 2006. He did Fellowship in Interventional Cardiology from Inselspital, University of Bern, Switzerland in 2010, under world renowned cardiologist Prof Bernhard Meier whowas member of the team which performed first ever Balloon Coronary Angioplasty in 1977. He had extensive training in Complex Coronary interventions (CTO), intracardiac shunt device closures, LA appendage closures in AF patients, Septal ablation for HOCM and Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) from there.
- He also got trained recently in TAVI by Prof. Alain Cribier, in Rouen, France who performed the first ever TAVI in the world, in 2002.
- Dr Shafeeq was working in KMCT Heart Institute before joining Aster MIMS (2011-2016). He was instrumental in setting up Heart institute in KMCT Medical College, first developing successful interventional and later surgical programs. He has performed more than 4000 cardiac procedures in this period. He had started Intracardiac shunt device closure program (including closure of rare congenital shunts like RSOV) in school going children in the region.
- He has worked as Consultant Cardiologist in Al Shifa Hospital Perinthalmanna (2007-2011) and Yashoda Hospital, Hyderabad (2006-2007), prior.
- Dr Shafeeq Mattummal hails from Malappuram, Kerala.
- Licensure:
- Travancore-Cochin Medical Council (TCMC): Reg No: 26270
MBBS : University of Calicut
MD (Internal Medicine) :University of Mumbai
DM (Cardiology) :University of Mumbai
Fellowshipin Interventional Cardiology : University of Bern, Switzerland
Awarded FESC- Fellowship of European Society of Cardiology
Awarded FSCAI-Fellowship of Society for Cardiac Angiography and Interventions (USA)
Awarded FACC- Fellowship in American College of Cardiology
- PPI-Permanent Pacemaker Implant - Single Chamber
- Biventricular Pacing
- PTMC - Percutaneous Transvenous Mitral Commissurotomy
- Heart Surgery
- heart disease
- Balloon Septostomy
- Pulmonary and Mitral
- Fetal Echocardiogram
- Off Pump beating CABG LV restoration
- surgery
- Valve Repair Replacement
- Atrial Fibrillation Surgery
- Ross Procedure
- Cardiac Tumour Treatment
- Aortic Dissection Repair Surgery
- Minimal access surgeries for valves
- ASD (Atrial Septal Defect) Closure
- Heart Bypass Surgery (CABG)
- Aortic Valve Replacement
- Mitral Valve Replacement
- VSD Closure (Adult) Surgery
- Heart Double Valve Replacement
- PPI-Permanent Pacemaker Implant - Double Chamber
- CRT- D Implant (Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy)
- Single Bypass and Valve Replacement
- Valve Replacement
- Congenital Heart Disorder CHD
- Heart Bypass - Minimally Invasive CABG
- Heart Implants
- Rotational Atherectomy
- Redo CABG
- Cardiac OPD Procedures
- ECG-Treadmill Test TMT
- 24 Hour Holter Monitoring
- Ambulatory BP Monitoring (ABPM)
- Echocardiography with Color Doppler
- Stress Echocardiographyn
- Myocardial Perfusion Imaging (MPI) Test
- Thallium Test - Nuclear Stress Test
- 64 Slice CT Angiography
- PET Scan
- Peripheral Angiogram
- Angiography
- Neonatal and Infant cardiac surgeries
- Complex congenital heart surgeriesg
- TAPVC - Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection Repair Arterial Switch
- Single Ventricle Defects Surgery
- ECMO Support
- Device Closure- ASD VSD
- Balloon Valvuloplasty - Aortic
- PDA Device Closure
- Arrhythmia Treatment with Ablation and Pacemakers
- Coronary Artery Surgery
- Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) Treatment
- Coronary Angiogram
- PTCA-Percutaneous Transluminal
- Coronary Angioplasty
- Aortic Stent Grafting
- EPS-Electrophysiological
- Radiofrequency Ablation
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