Prof. Dr. Güven Yıldırım
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ENT Surgeon | Istanbul | TurkeyProfessor, MPTh, Post-Graduation | 32 Years of Experiences
Medistanbul Hastanesi, Istanbul
- Prof. Dr. Guven Yildirim is one of the extremely experienced and highly skilled ENT Surgeons located in Istanbul, Turkey.
- Dr. Yildirim has a broad experience of more than 32 years in the field.
- He completed his graduation from the Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine. He then specialized by training at SSK Okmeydanı Hospital Ear Nose and Throat Clinic.
- Dr. Güven Yıldırım also obtained a Ph.D. from Medipol University Institute of Social Sciences in health law.
- His specialization lies in nose aesthetics, head and neck tumors, ear surgery, and treating sleep disorders.
- Dr. Yilidirim has several medical articles and papers authored for leading journals both at international and national levels.
- Working Experience:
- Giresun University
- SSK Okmeydanı Training and Research Hospital
- SB Dursunbey State Hospital
- MoH Haseki Fatih Public Health Center
- SB İstinye State Hospital
- SB Okmeydanı Training and Research Hospital
Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine
Specialization Training:
SSK Okmeydanı Hospital
A. Articles published in international peer-reviewed journals:
- A1- Sapci T, Yildirim G, Peker K, Karavus A, Akbulut UG. Acinic cell carcinoma originating in the nasal septum. Rhinology 2000;38:140–143
- A2-Yildirim G , Haliloğlu T, Sapçı T , Kahvecioğlu O, Onar V, Savcı N, Karavus A. Tracheal reconstruction with porous high density polyethylene tracheal prosthesis.
- Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 2000;109:981-987.
- A3 -Turkmen A; Altan A; Turgut N; Yildirim G ; Ersoy A; Koksal Caglayan; Ayse M; Kamali S. Comparison of percutaneous dilational tracheostomy with surgical tracheostomy. Middle East journal of anaesthesiology 2008;19(5):1055-67.
- Yildirim A4-D ,. Berkiten G. & Turkoz K.: Castleman's Disease In Childhood. The Internet Journal of Otorhinolaryngology.2009 Volume 10 Number 2
- A5- Gözü A, Genç B, Palabiyik M, Unal M, Yildirim G , Kavuncuoğlu S, Özsoy Z Airway management in neonates with Pierre Robin sequence The Turkish Journal of Pediatrics 2010; 52:167-172
- A6 – Yildirim G , Berkiten G, Kuzdere M, Ugras H, High Frequency Audiometry in Patients Presenting with Tinnitus Int. Adv. highway 2010; 6:(3) 401-407
- A7- Yildirim G , Onar V, Sayin I, Onol SD, Aydin T. The reconstruction of nasal septal perforation with high density porous polyethylene covered with fascia lata: an experimental study on rabbit model. Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol. 2011 Sep;4(3):137-41. doi: 10.3342/ceo.2011.4.3.137. Epub 2011 Sep 6.
- A8- Yıldırım G, Berkiten G, Uğras H, Saltürk Z. Changes in Audiometry Results Following Laser Therapy for Tinnitus Eur J Gen Med 2011;8(4):284-290
- A9- Kumral TL, Yildirim G , Uyar Y. Sphenochoanal polypsand the optic nevre Clinics and Practice 2012; 2:e10 19-20.
- A10- Auburn TL, Uyar Y, Yıldırım G , Berkiten G, Mutlu AT, Kılıç MV. Does endoscopic surgery reduce recurrence of the petrous apex cholesteatoma? Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2013 Dec;65(4):327-32. doi: 10.1007/s12070-013-0637-7. Epub 2013 Mar 14
B. Presented at international scientific meetings and in the proceedings book:
- B1 Özturan D, E Yüney, Mr Sahin, Kefar M, Lightning Game . Monitoring free vascularized jejunum grafts. XV. World Congress Of Otorhinolaryngology Head And Neck Surgery Istanbul Turkey 1993 Poster Presentation 845 Page 260
- B2- Özturan D, Yüney E, Kef K, Yıldırım G Sahin M, Bender Ö, Özkan C. Free Flap Application In Head And Neck. XV. World Congress Of Otorhinolaryngology Head And Neck Surgery Istanbul Turkey 1993 Poster Presentation 218 Page 68
- B3 – Güven Yıldırım , Tamer HALİLOĞLU, Mustafa KUZDERE, Yalçın VARNALI. Case Report: Human Papillomavirus At The Etiology Of The Adult-Onset Papilloma: Poster Presentation at the 1st Turkish-Italian Laryngology Congress Page 284-288 Antalya4-7 May1997
- B4- Tamer HALİLOĞLU, Güven Yıldırım . Two Stage Open Technique Cevansir's Hemilaryngectomy Operation Oral Presentation at the 1st Turkish-Italian Laryngology Congress Page 199-202 Antalya 4-7 May 1997
- B5-Yıldırım G , Atar Y. Effects of Parenteral Corticosteroid Use on Periorbital Edema and Ecchymosis in Septorhinoplasty Rhinology World 2009 Poster Presentation 1875 Page 112-113 Philadelphia 2009
- B6-Yıldırım G , Uyar Y, Kuzdere M, Hatipoğlu A,Taskale P, Bal M, Sünnetçi G, Helvacı A, Özsoy N The effect of antihistaminic drugs on qt interval. ERS&ISIAN 2010 Geneva Poster Presentation PP-068 Page 126 20-24 JUNE 2010
- B7- Mustafa Kuzdere, Güven Yıldırım , Yavuz Uyar, Ziya Saltürk. Reconstruction of crooked nose deformity by double median osteotomy Surgical Techniques in ENT Poster KuŞadası 2011
- B8- Ziya Saltürk, Yavuz Uyar, Mustafa Kuzdere, Güven Yıldırım , Tolga Lütfü Kumral, Cemil Yurtseven. Extracapsullary dissection in pleomorphic adenoma of parotid gland. Surgical Techniques in ENT Poster Kusadasi 2011
- B9- Yavuz Uyar, Mustafa Kuzdere, Güven Yıldırım , Tolgar Lütfi Kumral, Ziya Saltürk, Mehmet Vefa Kılıç The role of external auditory canal flaps in tympanoplasty 28th Politzer Society Meeting , Athens Greece 28/9 – 1/10 2011.
- B10- Güven Yıldırım Yavuz Uyar, Ziya Saltürk, Mustafa Kuzdere, , Tolgar Lütfi Kumral, Yusuf Öztürkçü. Comparison of etiological agents in acute rhinosinusitis in normal adults and nasal polyposis. 30th congress of the european academy of allergy and clinical immunology Istanbul Turkey 11-15 June 2011.
- Nose Aesthetics
- Head and Neck Tumours
- Ear Surgery
- Sleeping disorders
- Precancerous Tissue Excision
- Thyroidectomy Surgery
- LASER Surgeries
- Maxillectomy
- Hemiglossectomy
- Laryngectomy
- Frontoethmoidectomy
- Pharyngectomy
- Parotidectomy
- Neck Dissection Surgery
- Vascular Tumour
- Scleroptherapy
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