Face Plastic Surgery Cost in India

Face plastic surgery, also known as facial cosmetic surgery, has gained popularity in India due to its affordability and the country's success in providing high-quality aesthetic procedures. India has emerged as a leading destination for facial plastic surgery, offering advanced techniques and experienced surgeons who deliver natural-looking results. With a focus on patient safety and satisfaction, India has witnessed a surge in cosmetic procedures, making it a preferred choice for both domestic and international patients seeking facial transformation.

What is Face Plastic Surgery?

Face plastic surgery encompasses various procedures aimed at enhancing the appearance of the face. It may involve surgical interventions such as facelift, rhinoplasty (nose job), blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), or chin augmentation to address signs of aging, correct facial asymmetry, improve facial proportions, or enhance overall facial harmony.

Why is it done?

Face plastic surgery is performed for cosmetic reasons to address aesthetic concerns such as wrinkles, sagging skin, drooping eyelids, prominent nose, or weak chin. Additionally, it can have psychological benefits, boosting self-confidence and improving quality of life for individuals seeking to enhance their facial appearance.


While face plastic surgery can yield transformative results, it carries certain risks and potential complications inherent to any surgical procedure. These may include infection, bleeding, scarring, nerve damage, asymmetry, anesthesia risks, or dissatisfaction with the aesthetic outcome.


Preparation for face plastic surgery involves consultation and evaluation with a qualified cosmetic surgeon specializing in facial procedures. During the consultation, the surgeon assesses the patient's facial anatomy, discusses their aesthetic goals and concerns, and recommends the most suitable treatment plan.


The specific procedures performed during face plastic surgery depend on the patient's individual goals and anatomical considerations. Common procedures include facelift to address signs of aging, rhinoplasty to reshape the nose, blepharoplasty to rejuvenate the eyelids, or chin augmentation to enhance facial contours. The surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia, and the duration varies depending on the complexity of the procedure.

Best Hospitals in India

Best Doctors for the Surgery

  • Dr. Soumya Khanna
  • Dr. Anshumali Misra
  • Dr. Sachin Rajpal
  • Dr. Pradeep Kumar Singh
  • Dr. Rakesh Tawar. Senior Consultant
  • Dr. Ankur Bhatia

Cost Comparison

India               – INR 25011 (USD 300)

Turkey           – USD 1000

Thailand        – USD 3000



1. Is face plastic surgery painful?

   While discomfort is common after face plastic surgery, patients are typically provided with pain medication to manage any discomfort during the recovery period.

2. How long does the recovery process take after face plastic surgery?

   Recovery time varies depending on the specific procedures performed and individual healing capacity. Patients can expect some degree of swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the weeks following surgery, with full recovery taking several weeks to months.

3. Are the results of face plastic surgery permanent?

   While face plastic surgery can produce long-lasting results, the aging process continues, and additional maintenance procedures may be needed to maintain the desired outcome over time.

4. When can I resume normal activities after face plastic surgery?

   Patients should follow their surgeon's post-operative instructions regarding activity restrictions and gradually resume normal activities as advised.

5. Can face plastic surgery correct facial asymmetry?

   Yes, face plastic surgery can address facial asymmetry and restore balance and harmony to the facial features. The surgeon will assess the patient's concerns and recommend appropriate procedures to achieve the desired outcome.

6. Are there any non-surgical alternatives to face plastic surgery?

   Yes, there are non-surgical options available to address certain facial concerns, such as injectable fillers, Botox, or laser treatments. However, these treatments may offer temporary results and may not be suitable for all patients.

7. What are the qualifications of a surgeon performing face plastic surgery?

   Patients should seek out a board-certified cosmetic surgeon with specific training and experience in facial plastic surgery. It's essential to research the surgeon's credentials, patient reviews, and before-and-after photos to ensure a satisfactory outcome.

8. Will face plastic surgery leave visible scars?

   While some scarring is inevitable with any surgical procedure, skilled surgeons use advanced techniques to minimize scarring and ensure natural-looking results. Scars typically fade over time and can be concealed with makeup or hair.

9. Can face plastic surgery improve facial function?

   While the primary goal of face plastic surgery is aesthetic enhancement, some procedures may also improve facial function or alleviate functional issues such as obstructed vision due to drooping eyelids.

10. What should I do if I'm unhappy with the results of face plastic surgery?

    If patients are dissatisfied with the results of face plastic surgery, they should first discuss their concerns with their surgeon to understand the reasons for dissatisfaction and explore possible solutions. In some cases, revision surgery or additional treatments may be recommended to achieve the desired outcome.

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