What is breast cancer? Breast cancer is one of the most common cancer diagnosed across the world, it can occur in both men and women but is seen more in women. Due to the growing awarenes...
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What is breast cancer? Breast cancer is one of the most common cancer diagnosed across the world, it can occur in both men and women but is seen more in women. Due to the growing awarenes...
Read moreAortic valve replacement is a medical procedure done when the patient's valve is leaky or the valve get narrowed and doesn't open fully. Your doctor will replace aortic valve with an artificia...
Read moreWhen abnormal cells form within a brain it is called brain tumor and tumors are either cancerous or non-cancerous. Cancerous tumors are categorized into either primary tumors when its origin is within...
Read moreAnterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) reconstruction is a surgical procedure to restore the function of anterior cruciate ligament in the knee through surgical tissue graft replacement. Your doctor may eit...
Read moreColon Cancer Treatment Cost in India Colon cancer also known as colorectal cancer is abnormal growth of cells in the colon or rectum which are parts of the large intestine which is core part of diges...
Read moreStomach Cancer Treatment in India Formation of abnormal cells in the lining of the stomach may lead into stomach cancer which is also called gastric cancer Most common forms of stomach cancers ...
Read moreBlood Cancer Treatment Cost in India Blood cancer is the abnormal growth of blood cells interrupting the normal function of blood cells including protecting the body against infection and...
Read moreBariatric or Weight Loss Surgery Cost in India Gastric Bypass Surgery cost in India or Weight Loss Surgery Cost in India is about USD 6000 to USD 7000. The s...
Read moreيعتبر سرطان المثانة (Bladder cancer) بمثابة الورم الرابع من حيث نسبة الانتشار لدى الرجال، والثامن لدى النسا...
Read moreهدف العملية: وغاية عملية الاستئصال الجزئي للثدي هو إخراج ورم من الثدي حميدا كان أو خبيثا. وهذه العملية ...
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