Hernia Repair Cost in India

Leading locations for hernia repair surgery are Mexico, Costa Rica, and India, all of which provide excellent care at reasonable costs. Modern facilities, highly qualified surgeons, and affordable treatment options make India a top choice for medical tourists looking for cutting-edge medical care. In this regard, Mexico and Costa Rica both shine, offering comparable benefits in terms of accessible and high-quality healthcare. These nations have made investments in building their healthcare systems and have highly qualified surgeons who can do outstanding surgery. All things considered, patients gain from all-inclusive medical tourism packages that include lodging, transportation, and interpreting services, guaranteeing a hassle-free stay. An increasing number of patients seeking hernia repair surgery are drawn to India, Costa Rica, and Mexico due to their reputation for offering excellent healthcare services.


What is Hernia? 

An organ or fatty tissue pushing through a gap or weak point in the surrounding muscle or connective tissue causes a hernia. This frequently causes a prominent protrusion, usually in the groin or abdomen. Hernias can occur from several causes, such as injury, strain, or weakness of the muscles. Hernias in the inguinal (groin), umbilical (belly button), and hiatal (upper stomach) regions are common. Even though hernias may not usually show symptoms, if they are not treated, they may cause pain, discomfort, and consequences. Surgery is typically required as part of the treatment to strengthen the damaged area and stop more issues.


Inguinal Hernia 

An inguinal hernia occurs when tissue, such as part of the intestine, protrudes through a weak spot in the abdominal muscles in the groin area. This can create a bulge or swelling that may be painful, especially when coughing, bending over, or lifting heavy objects. Inguinal hernias are more common in men than women and can develop gradually over time or suddenly due to increased abdominal pressure. They are typically repaired through surgery to prevent complications such as bowel obstruction or strangulation.


Types of Hernia Surgery; 

  1. Traditional method – To operate on the herniated tissue, a surgeon needs to make a single incision. The tissue and organs are repositioned, and surgical devices are used to sew the tissue back together to strengthen it. Surgical mesh is a common tool used by surgeons to strengthen tissue.
  2. Laparoscopic method – A laparoscopy, sometimes known as "keyhole surgery," requires your surgeon to make multiple tiny incisions, typically three or four. The laparoscope, a thin tube with a tiny video camera that projects images of your insides onto a screen, is inserted by your surgeon. To fix the hernia, they make more incisions and place surgical instruments there.
  3. Robotic Surgery - The tools used in this kind of laparoscopic surgery are robotic. The technology that repairs the weakening tissue that caused your hernia is controlled by a console that your surgeon works at.



1. Follow the instructions of the surgeon.

2. Undergo medical evaluation.

3. Quit smoking if you smoke.

4. Review medications with your surgeon.

5. Follow preoperative instructions regarding fasting.

6. Arrange transportation for the day of surgery.

7. Plan for assistance during recovery.

8. Follow postoperative instructions for wound care, pain management, and activity restrictions.

9. Maintain a healthy lifestyle leading up to surgery.

10. Address any concerns with your surgeon.


The Procedure 

  • Pain-relieving medications will be given to you. For laparoscopic surgery, you will probably require general anesthesia, which puts you to sleep. You could just require local or regional anesthesia for open operations. During surgery, you won't lose consciousness; instead, the area your surgeon is working on will be completely sensationless.


  • For open surgery, the physician makes a single incision that is several inches long; for laparoscopic surgery, the incisions are typically three or four small ones that are no longer than an inch.


  • They will heal the weaker surrounding tissue and realign the herniated tissue. To build a robust barrier wall, they might sew together pieces of healthy tissue. Surgical mesh is also frequently used, offering additional support to stop a hernia from reoccurring.


  • The physician will stitch back the incision and dress the wounds


Benefits and Risks of Hernia Removal Surgery 


1. Relief from pain and discomfort caused by the hernia.

2. Prevention of complications such as bowel obstruction or strangulation.

3. Improved quality of life and ability to engage in activities without limitations.

4. Reduced risk of hernia recurrence, especially with modern surgical techniques.



1. Infection at the surgical site.

2. Bleeding during or after surgery.

3. Nerve damage leading to numbness or chronic pain.

4. Reaction to anesthesia.

5. Hernia recurrence.

6. Blood clots (deep vein thrombosis) or pulmonary embolism.

7. Injury to surrounding tissues or organs during surgery.

8. Chronic groin pain post-surgery (less common).

9. Difficulty urinating or urinary retention.

10. Mesh-related complications, such as infection or mesh migration (if mesh is used in the repair).


Cost Comparison of Hernia Removal Surgery


Min. Cost

Max. Cost

New Delhi

120,058 INR

187,782 INR


123,136 INR

184,704 INR


123,136 INR

177,008 INR


126,214 INR

187,782 INR


120,058 INR

181,626 INR


118,518 INR

180,086 INR


50,000 INR

75,000 INR


70,000 INR

125,000 INR


3600 USD

5400 USD


3760 USD

5640 USD


3600 USD

5400 USD


In India, the cost of hernia repair cost typically ranges from INR 50,000 to INR 2,00,000. However, it's important to note that these figures are approximate and may vary based on several factors such as the type of treatment required, the severity of the condition, the choice of healthcare facility, the expertise of the medical professionals involved, and additional diagnostic tests or procedures. Factors such as hospitalization expenses, medications, follow-up consultations, and any complications that may arise during treatment can also influence the overall cost. Patients are advised to consult with healthcare providers and obtain detailed cost estimates tailored to their specific circumstances to better understand the financial aspects of hernia repair surgery in India.


Best Hospitals for Hernia Removal Surgery  

Best Surgeons in Hernia Removal Surgery 




  1. How do I schedule a hospital appointment for hernia removal surgery? 

   Contact the hospital directly or consult a healthcare provider for a referral to a hernia surgeon. Call the surgeon's office to schedule a consultation.


  2. What is the success rate of hernia removal surgery? 

   Success rates are generally high, varying based on factors like hernia type and surgical technique. Your surgeon can provide specific success rate information.


  3. How long does it take to recover from hernia removal surgery? 

   Recovery time varies but most can resume normal activities within a few weeks. Follow your surgeon's post-operative instructions.


  4. Will I experience pain after hernia removal surgery? 

   Some pain is common but can be managed with prescribed or over-the-counter pain medication. Report severe or worsening pain to your surgeon.


  5. Are there any risks or complications associated with hernia removal surgery? 

   While generally safe, risks include infection, bleeding, and hernia recurrence. Your surgeon will discuss these and take steps to minimize risks.


  6. How soon can I return to work or normal activities after hernia removal surgery? 

   Most can resume light activities within a week or two, with full recovery taking several weeks. Follow your surgeon's guidance on activity restrictions.


  7. Will I need to follow a special diet after hernia removal surgery? 

   Your surgeon may recommend dietary modifications to promote healing and reduce complications. Follow their recommendations and stay hydrated.


8. How much is the time required for the surgery?

   A hernia repair surgery requires only 30 minutes. But in some complex cases, it could go up to five hours.

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