Laser Fistula with Fissure Surgery Cost in India

India's success in performing Laser Fistula with Fissure Surgery stems from its advanced medical infrastructure, skilled surgeons, and commitment to providing quality healthcare at affordable prices. With state-of-the-art facilities and expertise in colorectal surgery, India has become a preferred destination for patients seeking relief from anal fistulas and fissures.

What is Laser Fistula with Fissure Surgery?

Laser Fistula with Fissure Surgery is a minimally invasive procedure used to treat anal fistulas and fissures. It involves using a laser to precisely target and seal the abnormal passages (fistulas) and repair tears (fissures) in the anal canal. This technique offers several advantages over traditional surgical methods, including reduced pain, faster recovery, and lower risk of complications.

Why is it done?

Laser Fistula with Fissure Surgery is performed to alleviate symptoms associated with anal fistulas and fissures, including pain, bleeding, discharge, itching, and difficulty passing stools. By effectively sealing off abnormal passages and repairing tears in the anal tissue, this procedure aims to improve patients' quality of life and prevent recurrent infections or complications.


While Laser Fistula with Fissure Surgery is generally safe, like any surgical procedure, it carries certain risks and potential complications. These may include infection, bleeding, anal stenosis (narrowing), recurrence of fistulas or fissures, and changes in bowel habits. 


Preparation for Laser Fistula with Fissure Surgery involves a thorough evaluation by a colorectal surgeon, including a physical examination and possibly imaging studies (MRI, ultrasound) to assess the extent and location of fistulas or fissures. Patients may be advised to follow a specific diet or bowel preparation regimen before surgery to ensure a clear bowel.


During Laser Fistula with Fissure Surgery, the patient is placed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the complexity of the procedure and patient preference. The surgeon uses a specialized laser device to precisely ablate and seal off the abnormal passages (fistulas) and repair tears (fissures) in the anal canal.

What to Expect?

Before Laser Fistula with Fissure Surgery, patients will meet with their healthcare team to discuss the procedure, review expectations, and address any concerns.

During surgery, patients are typically sedated or asleep and do not experience pain. After surgery, patients may experience some discomfort or mild bleeding, which can be managed with pain medications and proper wound care. Recovery time is usually short, and most patients can resume normal activities within a few days.

Best Hospitals in India

Best Doctors for the Surgery

Top Nations in this Field

While India is a prominent destination for Laser Fistula with Fissure Surgery, other countries such as the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Singapore also excel in colorectal surgery and offer advanced treatments and specialized care.

Cost Comparison

India        – USD 500

Turkey     – USD 1200



1. How long does Laser Fistula with Fissure Surgery take?

   The duration of Laser Fistula with Fissure Surgery varies depending on the complexity and number of fistulas or fissures being treated but generally ranges from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

2. Is Laser Fistula with Fissure Surgery painful?

   Laser Fistula with Fissure Surgery is performed under anesthesia, so patients typically do not experience pain during the procedure. Some discomfort may occur after surgery, which can be managed with pain medications.

3. How soon can I return to work after Laser Fistula with Fissure Surgery?

   Most patients can return to work within a few days to a week after surgery, depending on the nature of their job and individual recovery.

4. Will I need to follow a special diet after Laser Fistula with Fissure Surgery?

   Your surgeon may recommend dietary modifications, such as increasing fiber intake and staying hydrated, to promote healing and prevent constipation.

5. Are there any restrictions on physical activity after Laser Fistula with Fissure Surgery?

   Patients may be advised to avoid strenuous activities, heavy lifting, or vigorous exercise for a few weeks after surgery to allow the surgical site to heal properly.

6. Can Laser Fistula with Fissure Surgery be performed on an outpatient basis?

   Yes, Laser Fistula with Fissure Surgery is typically performed on an outpatient basis, allowing patients to return home on the same day as the procedure.

7. Will I need to undergo any follow-up appointments after Laser Fistula with Fissure Surgery?

   Yes, follow-up appointments are essential for monitoring your recovery progress, assessing healing, and addressing any concerns or questions you may have.

8. Can Laser Fistula with Fissure Surgery be performed on pregnant patients?

   It is generally not recommended to undergo elective surgeries, including Laser Fistula with Fissure Surgery, during pregnancy unless absolutely necessary. 

9. How long does it take to fully recover from Laser Fistula with Fissure Surgery?

   Recovery time varies for each patient but typically ranges from a few days to a few weeks. Most patients experience significant improvement in symptoms within a few weeks after surgery.

10. What are the chances of recurrence after Laser Fistula with Fissure Surgery?

   Because Laser Fistula with Fissure Surgery effectively seals aberrant passageways and repairs tears, with the precision and minimally invasive methods made possible by laser technology, the odds of recurrence are relatively low.

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