Radical Cystectomy Cost in India

India has a well-developed  healthcare infrastructure with skilled professionals proficient in conducting complex surgeries like Radical Cystectomy. With cutting-edge technology and following international standards, India has witnessed remarkable success in providing effective treatments for bladder cancer, attracting patients globally seeking cost-effective yet high-quality healthcare solutions.

What is Radical Cystectomy?

Radical Cystectomy is a surgical procedure aimed at removing the entire bladder along with surrounding lymph nodes and, in some cases, nearby organs like the prostate, uterus, or part of the urethra. It is primarily performed to treat invasive bladder cancer that has not responded to other treatments or has a high risk of recurrence.

Why is it done?

Radical Cystectomy is done to eradicate bladder cancer that has penetrated the bladder wall or has a high likelihood of spreading to nearby tissues or organs. By removing the bladder and adjacent structures, this procedure aims to eliminate cancerous cells and prevent the cancer from spreading further, thus improving long-term survival rates and quality of life.


While Radical Cystectomy is considered a major surgery, it carries inherent risks like any surgical procedure. These risks may include infection, bleeding, blood clots, damage to nearby organs or structures, urinary incontinence, sexual dysfunction, and complications associated with anesthesia.


Preparation for Radical Cystectomy involves comprehensive evaluations by a multidisciplinary team, including urologists, oncologists, and anesthesiologists. Patients may undergo various tests, including blood tests, imaging studies (CT scans, MRI), and cardiac evaluations, to assess their overall health and suitability for surgery. Pre-operative counseling and education are also provided to help patients understand the procedure and its potential outcomes.


During Radical Cystectomy, the patient is placed under general anesthesia to ensure comfort and immobility. The surgeon makes an incision in the abdomen to access the bladder and surrounding structures. The bladder is then carefully dissected and removed, along with nearby lymph nodes and any affected organs. In men, the prostate gland and seminal vesicles may also be removed, while in women, the uterus, fallopian tubes, and part of the vagina may be excised. The surgeon then creates a new way for urine to leave the body, called a urinary diversion, using segments of the small intestine or other tissues. After the surgery, incisions are closed.

Best Hospitals in India

Best Doctors for the Surgery

  • Dr. Ashish Sabharwal
  • Dr. Rajesh Ahlawat
  • Dr. Vikram Sharma
  • Dr. Deepak Dubey
  • Dr. Anant Kumar
  • Dr. Pankaj N. Maheshwari
  • Dr. Rahul Gupta
  • Dr. Madhav H Kamat

Top Nations in this Field

While India excels in providing Radical Cystectomy, other countries such as the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Singapore also offer advanced treatments and specialized care for bladder cancer patients.

Cost Comparison

India                    – USD 2130

Turkey                 – USD 7000

Thailand              – USD 8000

USA                     – USD 9000

Germany              –USD 13000



1. How long does Radical Cystectomy surgery take?

   Radical Cystectomy surgery duration varies depending on the complexity and extent of the procedure but generally lasts between 4 to 6 hours.

2. Will I need chemotherapy or radiation therapy after Radical Cystectomy?

   Depending on the stage and aggressiveness of the bladder cancer, your oncologist may recommend adjuvant chemotherapy or radiation therapy to eradicate any remaining cancer cells and reduce the risk of recurrence.

3. What are the potential side effects of urinary diversion after Radical Cystectomy?

   Potential side effects of urinary diversion may include changes in urinary frequency, consistency, and odor, as well as the risk of urinary tract infections or complications related to the diversion technique. 

4. How soon can I resume normal activities after Radical Cystectomy?

   Recovery time varies for each patient but typically ranges from several weeks to a few months. It's essential to follow your surgeon's recommendations and gradually resume activities as tolerated.

5. Will I need a catheter after Radical Cystectomy?

   Yes, a catheter may be temporarily placed to drain urine from the urinary diversion site while the surgical site heals. 

6. What are the chances of long-term complications after Radical Cystectomy?

   While complications are possible, the chances of long-term complications after Radical Cystectomy are relatively low, especially with proper surgical technique and post-operative care. Regular follow-up appointments are essential for monitoring your health and addressing any concerns.

7. Can I undergo reconstructive surgery after Radical Cystectomy to restore bladder function?

   Yes, reconstructive surgery options, such as neobladder reconstruction or continent urinary diversion, may be available to restore bladder function and improve quality of life. Your healthcare provider will discuss the most suitable options based on your individual needs and preferences.

8. What dietary changes are necessary for me to follow following a radical cystectomy?

   Patients may be advised to follow a specific diet rich in fluids, fiber, and nutrients to promote healing, prevent constipation, and support overall health. Your healthcare provider may provide dietary recommendations based on your individual needs and tolerance.

9. Will I need to undergo regular cancer screenings after Radical Cystectomy?

   Yes, regular follow-up appointments and cancer screenings are essential for monitoring your health, detecting any signs of cancer recurrence or complications, and addressing any concerns promptly.

10. What support resources are available for patients undergoing Radical Cystectomy?

    Many hospitals offer support services, such as counseling, support groups, and educational resources, to help patients and their families cope with the physical and emotional challenges of bladder cancer treatment

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