Goiter Treatment Cost in India

Goiter, a condition characterized by an enlarged thyroid gland, is a common health problem in India. It is often caused by iodine deficiency, a nutritional deficiency that affects millions of people in the country. While goiter is not typically life-threatening, it can lead to significant discomfort and cosmetic concerns.

Symptoms of Goiter

The most noticeable symptom of goiter is visible swelling in the neck. However, other symptoms may also include:

  • Difficulty swallowing or breathing
  • Hoarseness
  • Pain or discomfort in the neck
  • A feeling of tightness in the throat
  • In severe cases, goiter can compress the trachea (windpipe) or esophagus, making it difficult to breathe or swallow.

Causes of Goiter

The most common cause of goiter in India is iodine deficiency. A trace mineral called iodine is necessary for the thyroid gland to operate properly. When there is not enough iodine in the diet, the thyroid gland may enlarge to produce more thyroid hormone.

Other causes include;

  • Autoimmune diseases: Conditions such as Hashimoto's thyroiditis and Graves' disease can cause goiter.
  • Medications: Certain medications, such as lithium, can interfere with thyroid hormone production.
  • Radiation therapy: Radiation therapy to the head and neck area can damage the thyroid gland.
  • Tumors: Benign or malignant tumors of the thyroid gland can cause goiter.

Treatment of Goiter

The underlying cause and severity of the problem determine how to treat goiter. In many cases, goiter caused by iodine deficiency can be treated by:

  • Iodized salt: Consuming iodized salt can help to increase iodine intake and reduce the size of the goiter.
  • Iodine supplements: In severe cases of deficiency, iodine supplements may be prescribed.
  • Thyroid hormone replacement therapy: If the goiter is caused by hypothyroidism, thyroid hormone replacement therapy may be necessary.

For goiters caused by autoimmune diseases or tumors, other treatments may be required, such as:

  • Antithyroid medications: Medications that can help to reduce thyroid hormone production in autoimmune conditions like Graves' disease.
  • Surgery: Surgery may be necessary to remove the thyroid gland in cases of large goiters, tumors, or recurrent goiters.
  • Radioactive iodine therapy: This treatment can destroy thyroid tissue and is often used for the treatment of thyroid cancer or hyperthyroidism.

Prevention of Goiter

The most effective way to prevent goiter is to ensure that the population can access iodized salt. These methods could also be followed;

  • Universal salt iodization: Ensure all salt sold in the country is iodized.
  • Public health campaigns: Raising awareness about the importance of iodine and promoting the use of iodized salt.
  • Monitoring and surveillance: Regularly monitoring iodine levels in the population to identify areas with high rates of deficiency.

Cost of Goiter Treatment (Thyroidectomy) in India

  • Delhi                    – INR 189,000
  • Hyderabad           – INR 180,000
  • Mumbai               – INR 198,000

Best Doctors in the field

  • Dr. Ambrish Mithal
  • Dr. Dheeraj Kapoor
  • Dr. I P S Kochar
  • Dr. Manish Gutch
  • Dr. Tejal Lathia
  • Dr. Samantha Sathyakumar

Top Hospitals for Goiter Treatment


1. What is goiter?

Goiter is a condition of swelling up of the thyroid gland, often visible as neck swellings.

2. What are the symptoms of goiter?

Symptoms of goiter can include a visible swelling in the neck, difficulty swallowing or breathing, hoarseness, and pain or discomfort in the neck.

3. What causes goiter?

Goiter is often caused by iodine deficiency, but other factors such as autoimmune diseases, medications, radiation therapy, and tumors can also contribute.

4. Is goiter dangerous?

While goiter is not typically life-threatening, it can cause discomfort and in severe cases, may interfere with breathing or swallowing.

5. How is goiter treated?

Treatment for goiter depends on the underlying cause and may involve iodine supplements, thyroid hormone replacement therapy, medications, surgery, or radioactive iodine therapy.

6. Can goiter be prevented?

Yes, goiter can be prevented by ensuring adequate iodine intake through iodized salt and other dietary sources.

7. What is the role of iodine in goiter?

Iodine is a trace mineral essential for thyroid hormone production. Iodine deficiency can lead to goiter.

8. Can goiter cause other health problems?

In severe cases, a goiter can compress the trachea or esophagus, making it difficult to breathe or swallow.

9. Is goiter contagious?

No, a goiter is not contagious.

10. When should I see a doctor about goiter?

If you notice a swelling in your neck or experience any other symptoms of goiter, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional.

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