Hypospadias Treatment Cost in India

Pediatric urology in India, including the treatment of hypospadias, can be attributed to its multidisciplinary approach, cutting-edge technologies, and skilled medical professionals. Leading hospitals across the country are equipped with advanced infrastructure and experienced pediatric urologists who specialize in addressing the unique needs of children with congenital urological anomalies. With a focus on personalized care and innovative treatment modalities, India has emerged as a preferred destination for families seeking optimal outcomes for their children.

What is Hypospadias?

Hypospadias is a congenital condition in which the opening of the urethra is located on the underside of the penis, rather than at the tip. This anomaly can range in severity, with the urethral opening situated anywhere along the underside of the penis, from near the tip to the base. Hypospadias occurs during fetal development when the urethral folds fail to fully close, resulting in an abnormal positioning of the urethral opening.

Why is it done?

Hypospadias treatment is typically performed to correct the abnormal positioning of the urethral opening and restore normal urinary and sexual function. In addition to cosmetic concerns, untreated hypospadias can lead to difficulties with urination, sexual intercourse, and psychological well-being. Early intervention is crucial to address functional and aesthetic issues associated with hypospadias and ensure optimal outcomes for affected individuals.

Symptoms, Causes, and Diagnosis

Symptoms of hypospadias may include an abnormal location of the urethral opening on the underside of the penis, curvature of the penis (chordee), spraying of urine during urination, and difficulty with urinary stream control.

The exact cause of hypospadias is not fully understood but is believed to involve a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

Diagnosis is typically made shortly after birth during a physical examination by a pediatrician or pediatric urologist.

Preparation and Procedures

Preparation for hypospadias treatment involves consultation with a pediatric urologist to assess the severity of the condition and determine the most appropriate treatment plan. Pre-operative evaluations may include blood tests, urine tests, imaging studies, and a thorough assessment of the genital anatomy. Parents are often counseled on what to expect before, during, and after surgery, including potential risks and complications.


Hypospadias repair surgery aims to reconstruct the urethra and reposition the urethral opening to the tip of the penis, restoring normal urinary and sexual function. The surgical technique used depends on factors such as the severity of hypospadias, penile curvature, and presence of associated anomalies. Common surgical techniques include tubularized incised plate (TIP) repair, onlay island flap urethroplasty, and two-stage repair. During surgery, the pediatric urologist carefully reconstructs the urethra, corrects any penile curvature (chordee), and achieves a cosmetically pleasing appearance.

What to Expect?

Before hypospadias surgery, parents can expect thorough pre-operative assessments and instructions from the pediatric urologist.

During surgery, the child is placed under general anesthesia to ensure comfort and safety. The procedure typically takes a few hours, after which the child is monitored closely in a recovery area.

After surgery, parents receive guidance on post-operative care, including wound care, pain management, and activity restrictions.

Different Types of Treatment

In addition to surgical repair, non-surgical treatments for hypospadias may include hormonal therapy or the use of tissue expanders to facilitate tissue growth and improve surgical outcomes. However, surgical repair remains the primary treatment option for correcting hypospadias and achieving optimal functional and aesthetic results.

Best Hospitals in India

Best Doctors for the Surgery

Cost Comparison

India               – USD 1060

Turkey           – USD 2000

Thailand        – USD 4500

USA                – USD 1800

Germany       – USD 14000



1. What causes hypospadias?

   Hypospadias is primarily a congenital condition, meaning it occurs during fetal development. It happens when the urethral folds fail to fully close, leading to the abnormal positioning of the urethral opening on the underside of the penis.

2. How common is hypospadias?

   Hypospadias is one of the most common congenital anomalies affecting the male genitalia, occurring in approximately 1 in every 200 to 300 male births.

3. What are the symptoms of hypospadias?

   The main symptom of hypospadias is an abnormal location of the urethral opening on the underside of the penis. Other symptoms may include curvature of the penis (chordee), spraying of urine during urination, and difficulty with urinary stream control.

4. Why is early treatment important for hypospadias?

   Early treatment is essential to correct the abnormal positioning of the urethral opening and prevent long-term complications. Prompt intervention can help restore normal urinary and sexual function and minimize psychological distress associated with the condition.

5. What is the success rate of hypospadias surgery?

   The success rate of hypospadias surgery is generally high, with most patients achieving satisfactory outcomes in terms of urinary and sexual function as well as cosmetic appearance. However, the success of surgery may depend on factors such as the severity of hypospadias and the skill of the surgeon.

6. Is hypospadias surgery performed in stages?

   Depending on the severity of the condition, hypospadias repair may be performed in a single stage or multiple stages. In some cases, a two-stage repair may be necessary to achieve optimal results, particularly if the urethral plate is severely deficient.

7. Will my child need additional surgeries after hypospadias repair?

   In some cases, additional surgeries may be required to address complications or refine the cosmetic appearance of the genitalia. Your pediatric urologist will monitor your child's progress closely and recommend further interventions if necessary.

8. Are there any long-term effects of hypospadias surgery?

   Most children who undergo hypospadias surgery experience long-term improvement in urinary and sexual function, as well as cosmetic appearance. However, some individuals may experience complications such as urethral strictures or fistulas later in life, which may require additional treatment.

9. Can hypospadias surgery be performed on adults?

   While hypospadias repair is typically performed during infancy or childhood, it can also be performed on adults who have not undergone surgery earlier in life or who experience complications from previous repair attempts. However, the success of surgery may vary in adult patients.

10. What are the potential risks of hypospadias surgery?

    Like any surgical procedure, hypospadias surgery carries certain risks and potential complications, including bleeding, infection, urethral strictures, fistulas, and cosmetic dissatisfaction. Your pediatric urologist will discuss these risks with you and provide guidance on how to minimize them.

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