Craniotomy Cost in India

The medical branch of neurosurgery has its deep stems in India as it possess world-class medical infrastructure, skilled neurosurgeons, and commitment to patient care. Renowned hospitals across the country specialize in neurosurgical procedures, offering state-of-the-art facilities and personalized treatment plans. With a focus on affordability and accessibility, India has become a global leader in neurosurgical care, attracting patients worldwide.

What is Craniotomy?

Craniotomy is a surgical procedure that involves making an incision in the scalp and removing a portion of the skull to access the brain. It is performed to treat various conditions affecting the brain, such as tumors, aneurysms, blood clots, or traumatic brain injuries. Craniotomy allows neurosurgeons to access and treat the underlying brain pathology while minimizing damage to surrounding tissues.

Why is it done?

Craniotomy is performed for a variety of reasons, including:

- Removal of brain tumors: Craniotomy allows surgeons to access and remove tumors located within the brain.

- Treatment of aneurysms: Aneurysms, which are weakened areas in the blood vessel walls, may require surgical clipping or coiling through a craniotomy.

- Management of traumatic brain injuries: Severe head injuries may necessitate emergency craniotomy to relieve pressure on the brain and repair damaged tissues.

- Drainage of hematomas: Craniotomy can be performed to remove blood clots (hematomas) that accumulate within the brain after injury or bleeding.


While craniotomy is generally considered safe, it carries certain risks and potential complications, including:

- Infection

- Bleeding

- Stroke: Damage to blood vessels during surgery can lead to stroke or other neurological deficits.

- Seizures: Some patients may experience seizures after craniotomy.

- Cognitive deficits: Depending on the location and extent of surgery, patients may experience temporary or permanent cognitive impairments.


Preparation for craniotomy involves comprehensive pre-operative evaluations and discussions with the surgical team. Patients may undergo imaging studies, such as CT scans or MRI, to assess the extent and location of the brain lesion. Pre-operative counseling may address expectations, potential risks, and post-operative care instructions.


During craniotomy, the patient is placed under general anesthesia to ensure comfort and safety. The neurosurgeon makes an incision in the scalp and removes a portion of the skull, known as a bone flap, using specialized surgical tools. The bone flap is temporarily removed to access the brain, and the underlying pathology is treated. Once the procedure is complete, the bone flap is replaced and secured with plates or screws.

What to Expect?

Before craniotomy, patients can expect to undergo pre-operative evaluations and receive instructions from their healthcare providers. During surgery, patients are asleep and do not experience pain. After surgery, patients may experience temporary discomfort, swelling, and headache, which can be managed with pain medications prescribed by the surgeon. Recovery may involve a hospital stay and post-operative follow-up appointments to monitor healing and discuss further treatment options.

Best Hospitals for the Surgery

Best Doctors for the Surgery

Cost Comparison

India           – USD 3500

Turkey        – USD 5600

Thailand     – USD 19200

Germany    – USD 8000

USA            – USD 25000



1. How long does it take to recover from craniotomy surgery?

   Recovery time varies depending on factors such as the extent of surgery, the patient's overall health, and adherence to post-operative care instructions. Generally, patients may experience improvement over several weeks to months.

2. Will I have a visible scar after craniotomy surgery?

   Craniotomy incisions are typically made within the hairline to minimize visibility. However, some scarring may occur, but it often fades over time. Your surgeon will discuss incision placement and scarring with you before the procedure.

3. Are there any restrictions on activities following craniotomy surgery?

   Initially, you may be advised to avoid strenuous activities, lifting heavy objects, and driving for a certain period to allow for proper healing.

4. Can I drive after craniotomy surgery?

   It is generally recommended to refrain from driving for a certain period after craniotomy surgery, usually until you have fully recovered and are no longer taking pain medications. Always follow your surgeon's recommendations regarding driving.

5. Will I experience memory problems after craniotomy surgery?

   Memory problems can occur after craniotomy surgery, particularly if the surgery involves areas of the brain associated with memory. However, these issues are often temporary and improve with time. Your neurosurgeon can provide guidance on managing any cognitive changes.

6. Is it normal to experience headaches after craniotomy surgery?

   Some patients may experience headaches after craniotomy surgery, which is normal as the body heals. These headaches can usually be managed with medications prescribed by your surgeon.

7. What signs indicate a complication after craniotomy surgery?

   Signs of complications may include fever, worsening headache, changes in vision, difficulty speaking or moving, or fluid drainage from the incision site.

8. Will I need physical therapy after craniotomy surgery?

   Depending on your specific case and the extent of surgery, your surgeon may recommend physical therapy to help with strength, coordination, and balance. Physical therapy can aid in your recovery and restore function.

9. Can I return to work after craniotomy surgery?

   The timing of your return to work depends on factors such as the type of job you have, the extent of surgery, and your overall recovery progress. Your surgeon will provide guidance on when it is safe for you to resume work activities.

10. Will I need assistance with daily activities after craniotomy surgery?

    Initially, you may need assistance with certain daily activities such as bathing, dressing, and meal preparation while you recover. It's essential to have a support system in place to help you during this time. Your healthcare team can also provide resources and assistance as needed.

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