Spinal Cord Stimulation Cost in India

India has been making significant strides in the field of medical technology and innovation, particularly in the realm of spinal cord stimulation (SCS). It has advanced medical infrastructure, skilled healthcare professionals, and commitment to providing cutting-edge treatments at affordable costs. With state-of-the-art facilities and expertise in neurosurgery and pain management, India has become a preferred destination for patients seeking spinal cord stimulation therapy.

What is Spinal Cord Stimulation?

The neurostimulation method called spinal cord stimulation (SCS) is used to treat chronic pain. It involves implanting a small device, similar to a pacemaker, under the skin near the spine. This device delivers mild electrical impulses to the spinal cord, interrupting pain signals before they reach the brain, thus reducing pain perception.

Why is it done?

The main purpose of spinal cord stimulation is to treat chronic pain disorders that have not improved with conventional medical interventions such prescription drugs, physical therapy, or surgery. Common indications for SCS include failed back surgery syndrome, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), neuropathic pain, and peripheral vascular disease.


While spinal cord stimulation is generally safe, it carries certain risks and potential complications, including infection, bleeding, device malfunction, spinal fluid leakage, and nerve damage.


Preparation for spinal cord stimulation involves a thorough evaluation by a pain management specialist or neurosurgeon. This may include imaging studies, such as MRI or CT scans, to assess the anatomy of the spine and identify potential pain generators. Patients may also undergo psychological evaluations to ensure they are suitable candidates for SCS therapy.


During the spinal cord stimulation procedure, the patient is placed under local anesthesia, and a small incision is made in the back to implant the device. Electrodes are placed along the spinal cord, and the device generator is implanted under the skin, typically in the abdomen or buttock. The procedure is minimally invasive and can usually be performed on an outpatient basis.

What to Expect?

Before SCS surgery, patients will meet with their healthcare team to discuss the procedure, review expectations, and address any concerns. During surgery, patients may feel pressure or discomfort but should not experience pain. After surgery, patients may have some soreness at the incision site, which can be managed with pain medications. Your healthcare team will provide instructions on caring for the incision and programming the device.

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Cost Comparison

India               – USD 7900

Turkey           – USD 5400

Thailand        – USD 5500

Germany       – USD 5600

USA                – USD 7500



1. Is spinal cord stimulation permanent?

   Spinal cord stimulation is reversible and can be adjusted or removed if needed. However, many patients experience long-term relief with SCS therapy.

2. Will spinal cord stimulation completely eliminate my pain?

   While spinal cord stimulation can significantly reduce pain, it may not completely eliminate it. However, it can improve quality of life and reduce reliance on pain medications.

3. How long does the battery in the spinal cord stimulator last?

   The battery life of the spinal cord stimulator varies depending on factors such as usage and programming settings. Typically, batteries last between 5 to 10 years before requiring replacement.

4. Can I undergo MRI scans with a spinal cord stimulator?

   Newer spinal cord stimulator devices are MRI-compatible, but it's essential to consult with your healthcare provider before undergoing any MRI procedures to ensure safety.

5. Will I need to undergo physical therapy after spinal cord stimulation surgery?

   Physical therapy may be recommended as part of your overall pain management plan to improve mobility, strength, and function. Your healthcare provider will determine if physical therapy is necessary based on your individual needs.

6. Can spinal cord stimulation help with all types of chronic pain?

   Spinal cord stimulation is most effective for neuropathic pain conditions, such as failed back surgery syndrome and complex regional pain syndrome. It may not be suitable for all types of chronic pain.

7. How soon can I expect pain relief after spinal cord stimulation surgery?

   Pain relief can vary from patient to patient and may take some time to achieve optimal results. It's essential to follow your healthcare provider's recommendations for device programming and adjustments.

8. Can I lead an active lifestyle with a spinal cord stimulator?

   Yes, many patients with spinal cord stimulators can lead active lives, including participating in activities such as exercise, sports, and recreational activities. However, certain precautions may be necessary to protect the device.

9. Will my insurance cover the cost of spinal cord stimulation therapy?

   Coverage for spinal cord stimulation therapy varies depending on your insurance plan and specific policy. It's essential to check with your insurance provider to understand coverage details and any out-of-pocket expenses.

10. Are there any restrictions on driving with a spinal cord stimulator?

    Driving restrictions may apply immediately after surgery due to discomfort or pain medication use. Once you have recovered and are comfortable, you may be able to resume driving. Always follow your surgeon's recommendations regarding driving safety.

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